PowerPoint Presentation for Facilitator Training

Jagadbandhu needed to convert a pdf document consisting of Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Learning Framework and Implementation Guide to a PowerPoint Presentation for delivering training to facilitators of SEE Learning to government school children.

Impact Stories

Spotlighting the contributions of volunteers making a difference with their skills through Chezuba.



Vani, Director



Student of Pharmacy

Aadrika is currently studying pharmacy in Manipal College. Always motivated to work towards the greater good of the society, she is especially passionate about contributing to betterment of the healthcare system and improving the mental health of patients. She believes practicing meditation can improve resilience and overall wellbeing of all individuals, hence volunteers for a Art of Living Club in her collage to bring these techniques to more people in the college and beyond.

The Story


Vani of Jagadbandhu had a training requirement from school teachers on SEE Learning. As she was working 5 days a week along with managing the NGO on weekends, she was not finding the time to prepare the PPT which would help to deliver the training. When she came to know about committed corporate volunteering who are able to complete such PPTs online, she decided to explore the option and posted the project on Chezuba.

While enjoying her summer break from her Pharmacy College, Aadrika was exploring options on how to utilize this time to serve the community. As there were no options to volunteer in the hospital, she started to search online. Finally she found projects on Chezuba where she could use the skills she already has and contribute to a cause she believed in. “I did many PPTs in my school, I knew I could do it well and quickly. Apart from that, I was very connected to what Jagabandhu is doing, I struggled in school, so I knew how important training to teachers is,” she recollects.

Source: http://jagadbandhu.com/gallery.php


After the match, Vani promptly sent a welcome email and shared the contact details. Aadrika got in touch with her over the phone to discuss the requirements and the purpose of the project in detail. Rest of the communication was through messages and email was used to share the deliverable.

After the first PPT was ready, Aadrika shared it with Vani to make sure that it is as per the organization’s requirements. Vani liked it and asked Aadrika to go ahead with the rest of the presentations. “I didn't have to make any changes, they liked it at the first go, they were very minor changes,” Aadrika mentions.

The volunteer would send each PPT as soon as she completed and verified with Vani before she proceeded for the next PPT. She would spend about 3-4 hours each day for the next 2 weeks to finish the project. As she had clarity on the time to be taken for each of the blocks, she managed to complete all the work before her exam preparation started. This was much ahead of the original project schedule.

“I learned so much from the content I had studied to convert to PPT. I have even implemented some of the suggestions to my daily life, like mindful listening, for example.”


The interaction between the volunteer grants for nonprofits was very smooth and seamless. Clear expectations about the deliverable from the NGO and prompt communication on both sides made the collaboration very fruitful. Aadrika only requested Vani to finish the project before her exams started, she also added: “NGO was very good, whenever I needed, they responded, I only had a problem that my laptop was slow. I made so many presentations in college that this was so easy, I knew where I could get the resource.”

To make sure that the project is finished on time, both Vani and Aadrika discussed and agreed to respond to their messages at the earliest. In case Vani was not able to respond on email, Aadrika would send an SMS which was like an alert and Vani would respond back immediately.


The final work handed over to the NGO consisted of 6 PPTs, each about 10 slides long. Vani from Jagadbandhu mentioned “This PPTs would be very helpful in training teachers on SEE Learning during this summer holidays. It is of good quality and has all the relevant content and pictures”.

Aadrika mentions “I learned so much from the content I had studied to convert to PPT. I have even implemented some of the suggestions to my daily life, like mindful listening, for example.”

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